Hi! This is my space to do with as I please (unlike my home which somehow has been taken over by munchkins ;) So you'll find a bit of everything, food, sewing, music, my family of course, much coffee talk & faith.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Sugar Free Day 3
So last fall I realized that I am tragically addicted to sugar so I thought, it takes 21 days to make or break a habit so if I can go 21 days with out sugar than I'll be able to break that habit and start leading a healthier life. The 1st several days were torture but after the 10th day I noticed that my face was looking strange in the mirror & then I put on a pair of jeans & noticed that they were a little loose. So I proceded to pull out the much neglected & dusty bathroom scales & got on, to my surprise I had lost about 6 pounds & so we're off! I started weighing in every day & for the 1st 2-3 weeks I was loosing 1/2 to 1 pound per day. In 3 months with out sugar I lost a grand total of 28 pounds & then I became complacent with my weight loss & became less vigilant about my sugar intake. Granted, I still eat far less than I did in my previous life & I haven't gained more than about 3 pounds but the other benefits were so great that I've decided to try to take the plunge again. Well actually I've tried unsuccessfully several times & I'm determined to do it this time. Without my daily intake of sugar I wake up so much more easily & are significantly more clear headed & less sluggish throughout the day, it's amazing really how much better I felt! Not to mention that now when I have sugar I realize immediately the adverse affects it's having on my body, but sometimes that chocolate is just far too tempting! The last couple of weeks I have eaten so much sugar it's amazing to me that I haven't gained back at least 10 pounds so before I go off the deep end I'm cutting myself off. It's SOOO hard! Chocolate calls my name & the call is only rivaled by that of home baked cookies & you all know how much I LOVE to bake! One of my biggest weaknesses are holiday baked goods made with pumpkin, not pumpkin pie but everything else. I love pumpkin rolls & my dark chocolate chip pumpkin cookies, although any cookie lights my fire & between the holidays & all the school parties & events there are baked goods everywhere! I can turn down the store bought goods & the sugary candies, granola bars, ect but oh my goodness the thought of our local bakery's home made carrot cake literally makes me drool! I put off my latest attempt at being sugar free until after my recent trip to NYC because there is no way I was going to limit myself in such a wonderful city & since I HATE flying I figured I would need a good dose of chocolate to make it through all my flights. I treated myself to a bag of almond joy bites & surprisingly they lasted through 3 of my 4 flights & the last one called for a bag of jelly bellies, yum! The only thing better than dark chocolate & pumpkin is dark chocolate & coconut! I really had no idea how many daily items have sugar in them, the granola bars I kept in my purse, the rice mixes I made with dinner, literally almost everything in the pantry. So here I am in day 3, praying to make it through the holidays without gaining back everything I lost last year! so maybe I'll allow myself 1 special treat at Thanksgiving but I have realized I have to go cold turkey, there's no weekend treats, ect for me. So tune in next time & I hope you are all rooting for me!! Anyone is free to join this looney bandwagon I'm driving, I'd be glad of the company!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
What is it about being a mom that gives you superhuman powers & the ability to take care of everyone & everything else but when it comes to yourself it's a no go? How often do we tuck our little ones or our significant other into bed with a box of tissues, medicine and a cool drink only to trudge through another day of housework, mom-work & obligations while being miserably sick ourselves. We admonish those who feel all better and want to get out of bed to play but can't seem to put ourselves to rest without a serious trip to guilty town. We know, don't we, since we tell everyone else, that if you will only rest for a day or two you will get better much more quickly & be able to resume normal activities, but why does this not apply to us? I'll tell you, because when we are sick our dear husbands still have to go to work & our precious children still have to go to school, do homework, be fed & run around town to thier multiple activites. Why hasn't someone invented a back up wife? No matter the cost it would be well worth it, then again I guess nannies have been around for a while. Maybe if I start my own Nanny Service I might be able to stay in bed when I'm sick, but I guess we all know that's not going to happen. No matter how miserable you are or how many boxes of tissue or bottles of cold medicine you go through, the kids still need to be fed, the laundry still needs to be done & the spilled milk still needs to be mopped up. Here's to motherhood, the most exhausting yet rewarding thing a woman will ever do, or keep doing since it never ends! But we wouldn't have it any other way would we?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Because I'm The Coolest Mom EVER!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
School Supply Overload

For once I would love for the retailers to actually look at the school supply lists & stock their shelves with the actual items on the list. I know that the Alice In Wonderland stickers, notebooks, pencil bags ect. are cute, but they are NOT on anyone's list! Even the notebooks are not the right paper count. L's list in particular this year has caused me no end of frustration, something as simple as a spiral notebook has sent me all over town because they are very specific about it being a 180 ct w/ NO perforations! Yes they make 180 ct. notebooks, but other than the composition notebooks, there are NO spirals with out perforations. So this is where you have to ask yourself how important those all caps specifications are. So I have the Crayola paint instead of the Prang, I know Prang is the best but when I can pick up the Crayola brand on clearance for .49 & the Prang are $5 which one is any sane mother going to snag I ask you! There are certain things I just won't do, I am not sending 40 pencils to school with my 6 year old, WHY? I am not going to pay 4 times as much for the brand name colors when the store brand are .25. These things make sense to me when you are buying supplies for 3 children. I once worked in the school system & let me tell you, we were 4th grade & we still had lockers full of construction paper & kleenex from kids who were in high school. The only colors that ever ran out were the green & red since everyone does Christmas crafts. These pics are just a sample of the items that we have so far, rest assured, each of the binders are filled to the brim, A actually had to have 3 pencil bags in hers just to hold her supplies, YIKES! And we aren't even done yet! L's list has a very specific Mead tablet that she has to have 4 of, 6 weeks ago I started looking for them & our local WM has had the same empty peg since I started. I actually found a couple at a local office supply chain but they were nearly $5 a piece, CRAZY! No way am I spending $20 on paper, lets just call me a tree hugger & be done w/ it. I remember going to school with a few #2 pencils, glue, scissors, crayons & a pack of paper. I know they do so much more now & obviously need more supplies but right now I just need to rant a bit. Even being the frugal shopper I am, picking up clearanced supplies all year it still adds up to a fortune & you know most families in our country are living paycheck to paycheck these days. I can't imagine how single parents or people w/ more kids than I do it.
When all is said & done the following is apparantly what it takes to ensure a decent education these days for 3 children ages 6, 10 & 12..
1. 3 back packs, no biggie, the girls just reuse theirs until they can't anymore
2. 80 pencils (Yea)
3 7 spiral notebooks
4.3 boxes of crayons & 2 of which are just for L, they can only use 1 box at a time right?
5. 3 pair of scissors (Fiskars only!)
6. 6 dry erase markers
7. 2 boxes of map pencils
8. 3 Pearl only erasers
9. 2 pkgs manilla paper in 2 different sizes (we have always had the hardest time finding the lg pkgs so if I ever see them I snatch one up)
10. 2 pkgs specific sized construction paper ( I still haven't found the lg size pkg & there were @ least 12 of us @ WM this a.m. looking again!)
11. 7 boxes of 200 ct tissue, 1 school wants only Kleenex, the other only Puffs & the other didin't specify?!
12. 1 box Gallon Slide Lock ONLY bags
13. 2 boxes Quart Slide Lock Only bags
14. 4 MEAD ONLY 1st grade Handwriting tablets which I still don't have
15. 1 blue plastic folder
16. 1 plastic school supply box
17. Prang only watercolors, sorry!
18. 2 red grading pens
19. 2 non plastic zipper binder pencil bags (or in our case, 5)
20. 5 black pens
21. 2 rulers
22. 1 lg pkg colored copy paper for the computer lab? now we get to supply the copy paper too?
23. 6 highlighters
24. 1 pkg of markers
25. 3 glue sticks
26. 2 pencil sharpeners w/ lids
27. 2 2 1/2 in 3 ring binders
28. 3 pkg notebook paper
29. 1 notebook w/ dividers & folders
30. Elmer's black label 4oz only glue
31. 2 pocket folders w/ holes, no brads!
32. 8 pocket folders w/ brad, 2 green, 2 red, 2 blue & 2 yellow (we went EVERYWHERE looking for these & finally found them @ TArget, not w/ the school supplies)
33. 1 composition book
When we lived in Sequim Washington, I kid you not, I spent less than $20 on my 2 kiddos who were in school at the time for ALL their supplies & I had not a thing put back for them since we came to WA w/ only what would fit in my sport sized mini van. They did have back packs as thats what they brought their toys in across country, but the supplies were so basic it was amazing. It makes you wonder what really gets done with all those supplies. I am more than happy to refresh supplies as they run out during the year & I know there are parents who don't send anything, but I really feel that this whole thing has gotten wildly out of hand. I know last year the first week of school my kids kept coming home w/ notes for additional supplies that were not listed online & also requests for money for everything under the sun from the PTA fees to class tees that they simply must have before they go on a field trip. For those of us with more than one child & not a bottomless bank account this kind of thing is extremely draining. I'm not so sure that private schools are that more expensive than public ones. It's enough to make you seriously consider homeschooling where most of the work can be done on your home computer & gained from reading.
On another note, you know all of those school appropriate clothes from last year simply do not fit anymore. It's amazing how fast kiddos grow through the summer. I think all of mine skipped an entire size in the last 6 weeks. We have been scrambling to find shorts long enough for school, which raises another point. What exactly is it about boy's knees that they have to be covered up to enter the school? That's a hard task for tall, skinny kids! Clothes shopping is such a mess, by the time school rolls around all the retailers are putting out fall/winter items & in Texas we still wear shorts through Oct. Even if you can find shorts they never comform to the school dress code. Yes, this is just a rant post, I know it, but as a woman we all know that the best way to deal with things is to get them out in the open, it's like therapy, write it down & let it go......
I could write a book on back to school woes as I'm sure many others moms could too & as my dear friend Amy would remind me, there is a way to deal with that, it's called homeschooling, Yes Amy, I know! I seriously considered it, especially w/ L this past week as I had to battle the school to have her moved into an appropriate classroom. I know most people don't seem to think twice about their child's teachers & call me anal, but I simple have to be comfortable & be able to trust the person that will be in charge of my child for 8 hrs & when I'm presented w/ a situation where that is not the case, I have to do something about it. I owe it to my kiddos to stand up for them. It boggles the mind how some people keep their jobs in the school system, especially with so many going to school for education. I guess it's kind of like cops, military or any other service job w/ bad press, just because you're in the business of serving & protecting doesn't mean you're a good person but 1 bad apple shouldn't spoil the entire bushel, right?
OK, done, back to my usual sweet, smiling self, hahahaha. Off to bake cookies, YUM!
Monday, July 26, 2010
A Hair Raising, Skin Scraping Sunday
Late Sunday afternoon our "good" friends Mike & Carrie called & invited us to go out on the boat with them for a little while (you'll understand later why they have playfully been relegated to "good" friends, I still love them I'm just now questioning whether they think they are named in my will). My initial reaction was to say no because that's what I do when something is outside my comfort zone. I have only been out on a boat once in my life & it was a party barge that my sedate, completely non-outdoorsy dad was in charge of & incidental it was his 1st time on the lake w/ a boat so we barely puttered. I'm fine with water, I just want to be able to see what's at the bottom(that means pool play only). Blame it on B rated 80's movies if you like but scary things exist where there is water you can't see through. So still I'm envisioning sitting on a boat in the middle of the lake doing nothing, how much fun can that be w/o a book right? NO we get out there & right off the bat they want me to put my kids in the lake, WHAT! So maybe I'm a bit uptight, who knew. After much prodding I actually lowered my body into the brackish water of Pat Mayse Lake, ick! I thought I had done good, but even after these past few years of friendship I still have yet to grasp the fact that Miss Carrie's new mission in life is to jar me out of my comfort zone, it seems to have become some sort of game. I will admit we were collectively quite proud of me for jumping that hurdle, but the best is yet to come. My dear children start begging to ride the tube, so J goes 1st as he has the most experience, which I didn't even know about (this is just the 1st of my parental shortcomings in this story). He looks like he is having a blast, so really how bad can it be? Next all 3 kids get on the tube & go for a ride which I was of course very nervous about, this was L's 1st tube ride & I just kept seeing her fly through the air w/o the greatest of ease if you know what I mean.
Then it was A's turn & she had a blast, evidently they are quite the daredevils, who knew? Both my olders wanted wild rides &hung on for dear life, until J flipped the tube up in the air & went flying. Quite a site to see.
Then of course Miss L decided that she needed a solo ride which immediately send my poor Mama's heart into overdrive, but you have to remember at this point I myself had yet to experience this & had no idea what to expect. We took it really slow (she kept giving the slow down signal, even though we were at the slowest speed,good girl!), but still seemed to be having a blast. At least until the tube took off all the skin on her knees & elbows & reopened her scootering wounds from the weekend before. This girl is battle scarred, let me tell you! Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Experience, otherwise known as Farm Fresh Tomato Soup
Today I finally had a chance to do something amazing with all of the fresh tomatoes that my dear friend Rita keeps sending home with me. Doodle Bop & I LOVE tomato soup & she beat herself up pretty badly yesterday riding her scooter so I decided to whip up some feel good comfort food to help mend her bumps, bruises, scrapes & blisters (p.s. letting the kiddos ride scooter bare foot, NOT A GOOD IDEA!)
I decided to share this process, both the appetizing parts & the messy parts, VERY MESSY! This recipe is so unusual but tastes just like our favorite bakery's fresh tomato soup that it will certainly be a staple from now on. I love recipes that have a good base & can be adjusted depending on what you have on hand. How many times have you found an amazing recipe & have all but 2 or 3 of the ingredients on hand so it doesn't get made? For me, almost never, I change up everything using what's in my pantry & fridge to fill in the gaps. I hope you enjoy this soup as much as we have & don't let the "secret" ingredient scare you, you won't even know it's there but it's not the same w/o it. I also used the artichoke that we cut out of the flower bed at our Cannon Beach Vacation House & brought home with us, DELISH!

1. 3T butter ( I never use anything but real unsalted butter, salting is what they do to it to keep it on the shelf longer, YUCK!)
2. 1c. chopped onion (I used a Vidalia)
3. 1 steamed & chopped artichoke (here is where you can change things up, the original recipe called for 3 stalks of celery which I didn't have & I also added the rest of a jar of marinated artichoke hearts I had in the fridge)
4. 2 garlic cloves chopped
5. 1/4 c chopped fresh flat leaf parsley ( I used about 1T dried plus 1T dried basil)
6. 3 c. chopped fresh tomatoes (garden fresh is best but please use a good canned tomato over those tasteless grocery store imposters if you don't have access to the fresh variety.)
7. 15oz. can tomato sauce
8. *SECRET INGREDIENT* 3/4 c stong brewed coffee (YES COFFEE, don't leave it out)
9. 1/4 c. H2O
10. Salt & Pepper ( I use Kosher & fresh ground)
11. 1 tsp. sugar ( I didn't use it & it's still delish, you won't miss this part)
12. 1/3 c heavy cream ( I used half & half because it's what I had on hand & it was perfect)
13. 1/3 c chopped carrots
Melt the butter in a large stock pot & add the onion, garlic, carrots, celery & parsley. Cook slowly until the onions are transparent. Be careful not to let it burn or the garlic will be bitter. Add tomatoes, sauce, coffee, H2O, salt, pepper & sugar. Bring to a boil & simmer about 20 minutes. Pour the mixture into a blender in small batches & puree with short burst until it is completed blended.
*AUTHOR's NOTE* This is where the messy came in for me, I forgot to hold down the lid, not once but twice! So I covered my kitchen in tomato puree & scalded my face, hands & arms. Thank goodness for my friend Sharon who was present the last time I burned myself in the kitchen & told me to put mustard on it. I smelled like a corn dog & I'm sure looked like a hot mess covered in the thick yellow goop, but it did the trick. So lesson learned, please be careful & don't put too much in your blender & hold that lid down tight!!!*
Transfer back to the pot & add the cream, heat but don't boil. L ate hers w/ Italian cheese & I paired mine with a Tillamook cheddar melt fresh off the panini press.
I decided to share this process, both the appetizing parts & the messy parts, VERY MESSY! This recipe is so unusual but tastes just like our favorite bakery's fresh tomato soup that it will certainly be a staple from now on. I love recipes that have a good base & can be adjusted depending on what you have on hand. How many times have you found an amazing recipe & have all but 2 or 3 of the ingredients on hand so it doesn't get made? For me, almost never, I change up everything using what's in my pantry & fridge to fill in the gaps. I hope you enjoy this soup as much as we have & don't let the "secret" ingredient scare you, you won't even know it's there but it's not the same w/o it. I also used the artichoke that we cut out of the flower bed at our Cannon Beach Vacation House & brought home with us, DELISH!
1. 3T butter ( I never use anything but real unsalted butter, salting is what they do to it to keep it on the shelf longer, YUCK!)
2. 1c. chopped onion (I used a Vidalia)
3. 1 steamed & chopped artichoke (here is where you can change things up, the original recipe called for 3 stalks of celery which I didn't have & I also added the rest of a jar of marinated artichoke hearts I had in the fridge)
4. 2 garlic cloves chopped
5. 1/4 c chopped fresh flat leaf parsley ( I used about 1T dried plus 1T dried basil)
6. 3 c. chopped fresh tomatoes (garden fresh is best but please use a good canned tomato over those tasteless grocery store imposters if you don't have access to the fresh variety.)
7. 15oz. can tomato sauce
8. *SECRET INGREDIENT* 3/4 c stong brewed coffee (YES COFFEE, don't leave it out)
9. 1/4 c. H2O
10. Salt & Pepper ( I use Kosher & fresh ground)
11. 1 tsp. sugar ( I didn't use it & it's still delish, you won't miss this part)
12. 1/3 c heavy cream ( I used half & half because it's what I had on hand & it was perfect)
13. 1/3 c chopped carrots
Melt the butter in a large stock pot & add the onion, garlic, carrots, celery & parsley. Cook slowly until the onions are transparent. Be careful not to let it burn or the garlic will be bitter. Add tomatoes, sauce, coffee, H2O, salt, pepper & sugar. Bring to a boil & simmer about 20 minutes. Pour the mixture into a blender in small batches & puree with short burst until it is completed blended.
*AUTHOR's NOTE* This is where the messy came in for me, I forgot to hold down the lid, not once but twice! So I covered my kitchen in tomato puree & scalded my face, hands & arms. Thank goodness for my friend Sharon who was present the last time I burned myself in the kitchen & told me to put mustard on it. I smelled like a corn dog & I'm sure looked like a hot mess covered in the thick yellow goop, but it did the trick. So lesson learned, please be careful & don't put too much in your blender & hold that lid down tight!!!*
Transfer back to the pot & add the cream, heat but don't boil. L ate hers w/ Italian cheese & I paired mine with a Tillamook cheddar melt fresh off the panini press.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Coupons for Military Families Overseas
So if you know me you know I'm a huge couponer & coming from a military family I'm very passionate about how our veterans & currant military are treated & respected, SSSOOOO......... This was the perfect cause for me to pick up & I hope that you will jump on this bandwagon with me (promise it's worth it). Even if you don't want to go through the trouble of doing the coupon thing yourself you can still help out military families overseas who don't have access to coupons the way we do here in the states. The PXs honor manufacturors coupons up to 6 months after their experation date for military families. We all know that our troops don't get paid anything near what they deserve & although this won't make that up it is a small way for those of us whose lives & way of life they are fighting to protect can show a little appreciation. I used to only cut out the coupons that I would use but now I cut them ALL out (yes it takes a bit of time but think about this, the average deployment is 18 months so suck it up a bit :) The ones I will use I keep & all the rest I seperate into catagories & mail to one of the addresses that the coupon mom website provides. Please follow this link & take just a little bit of time to do something that will mean a lot to the families who are relocated all over this globe. www.couponmom.com/military
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Funky Finds....
www.funkyfinds.com/ If you haven't already heard of it there is an awesome new place to buy & sell your very own funky finds. Blossom Granny & I have both already set up shop & who can blame us at $1.99 for 7 months?!?! It's almost too good to be true. One of the biggest benefits is that it's no where near the volume of product on etsy which sounds like a minus but can really be a plus. Think of it, instead of searching through 5 bajillion (yes it's a word) pages of product to find the handful you're looking for, you can easily sift through the shops at funky finds & get what you want in a fraction of the time before you fall into that zombie like state that accompanies most internet searches. Not to diss etsy, I still have an etsy shop & love it, it's a great outlet for artsies across the globe, this is simply another great find that I'm sure will soar to etsy-like status before long so don't wait, don't dawdle, jump this funky finds train as quickly as possible before the introductory offers expire, you won't regret it!! It's the perfect new outlet for those of us who have a desire to sell but don't have a huge inventory to list. Follow me to the shops at funkyfinds.com!! See you there ;) Be sure to check out The Quirky Belle & Let Me Make You Smile!
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010
Last Day At Cannon Beach
This is our last day in what I deem PARADISE! I can't imagine a more perfect setting, I can well see why homes/land here are at such a premium, it would be well worth it if you could live this life everyday. I truly do not believe that this could become mundane. I am sure going to miss it here.
I have eaten fudge like it's the last edible item on earth & I only have hours to live, but can you really blame me when you look at this? Dark chocolate coconut fudge from the Tillamook Creamery. That's 2 of my all time favorite substances mixed with tons of pure cream butter which is my 3rd favorite food and formed into a mass of luxurious indulgence, what could be better!
http://www.wavesofgrainbakery.com/ Steven, Auntie Sarah, L & I went to this local hot spot for lunch today, they mill thier own wheat which I find amazing! I had a veggie wrap with home made hummus, YUM! & we brought some fruit topped biscuits for our drive to San Francisco tomorrow. L had the Raspberry Swedish Cream (DELISH!), Steven had thier clam chowder w/ a Tillamook Chedder biscuit & Sarah had the Chicken Ceasar Wrap. They were cooking Thai Chicken Soup for tomorrow & the place smelled like heaven! I had to tell them it's so wrong to cook something that smells so amazing & then tell us we can't have it till tomorrow, torture!
Her cream was really delish, not quite sure what the face was about but it was too funny not to include.
Be vewry, vewry quiet, we are hunting wabbits ;)
Dad, Auntie & kids worked very hard on what they called "Goon Docks" while L & I went on a treasure hunt.
A fed a bag of old bread to the local yokels, they followed her around like she was the pied piper of Cannon Beach.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Dinner @ Mo's
Do you know what happens when you discover a "FOOD" setting on your awesome new digital camera? Oh Yeah! You start taking pics of everything you & everyone else eats, this is going to be fun!
http://www.moschowder.com/ We chose Tuesday to eat at the Famous Cannon Beach Mo's, I selected Fish & Chips which may sound mundane but I assure you it's not. This was the most delish dish at the table in my humble opinion, thick crusty planks of cod, a giant slab of bread with creamy butter, homemade fries, the best cole slaw ever and fabulous tartar sauce. I know! Too yummy to be believed!

Not to worry, Steven chose the famous Mo's Clam Chowder as his side pairing to Cod Fish Tacos (we LOVE fish tacos!) so the 5 of us all got to sample this northwestern staple. I know fish tacos sounds strange, the first time I heard of them I snarled my nose just as I imagine most of you are doing now, especially when I was told they were fish sticks in a tortilla (how disgusting does that sound!), but the real deal is absolutely fabulous & can not be missed!
The girlies both chose the fried shrimp basket, which was to be expected I guess, but at least these shrimpers were fresh so it's a good change from the usual shrimp poppers we are forced to endure in our land locked home. Jake ordered a plain old grilled cheese so the most exciting thing I can say about that is that it was served on a frisbee, yeah, no judging, I chose not to take any pictures of that one.
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