I am not a Valentine's Day person, I know that may seem unbelievable in a women but I actually have no desire to celebrate this particular holiday. I know it had to be different when I was of a dating age as I remember being excited when my then boyfriend/now hubby bought me a gift but it just hasn't translated into married life for me. BUT, I realized about 4 years ago that my kids were really my valentines & I wanted to do something for them, without breaking the bank that would be tons of fun, SO, here the idea for a scavenger hunt was born.
I picked up several things that I knew my kids loved but I don't always provide on a regular basis & I made homemade cards from me to my kiddos. I cut hearts out of construction paper & wrote clues that would send them to each room of the house. For example, this year I hid the gifts in my son's room & he has Yoda sitting on his bedside table so the last clue said "Very Close You Are To Your Reward My Padawan Learner" & they knew exactly where to go. They have so much fun with this each year & I watched my older 2 go from bored acceptance to giddy exitement after the 1st clue (they like to think they're too old for some things). I have them stand still while they read the clue so they don't leave little sis out & then give her a chance to figure it out.
This year J got a 6 pack of IBC (his fave & I don't buy sodas so this is a standard stocking stuffer, V-Day, Easter treat for him) & a giant box of Nutty Bars, he was in heaven! A recieved a Lego storage box (which I found half off @ WM in the clearance section & a giant bag of dark chocolate. L found a Fancy Nancy book & puzzle & a special diamond ring pop. All in all I spent less than $25 & they had a BLAST!
What a fun and CLEVER idea!