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Friday, July 16, 2010

Coupons for Military Families Overseas

So if you know me you know I'm a huge couponer & coming from a military family I'm very passionate about how our veterans & currant military are treated & respected, SSSOOOO......... This was the perfect cause for me to pick up & I hope that you will jump on this bandwagon with me (promise it's worth it). Even if you don't want to go through the trouble of doing the coupon thing yourself you can still help out military families overseas who don't have access to coupons the way we do here in the states. The PXs honor manufacturors coupons up to 6 months after their experation date for military families. We all know that our troops don't get paid anything near what they deserve & although this won't make that up it is a small way for those of us whose lives & way of life they are fighting to protect can show a little appreciation. I used to only cut out the coupons that I would use but now I cut them ALL out (yes it takes a bit of time but think about this, the average deployment is 18 months so suck it up a bit :) The ones I will use I keep & all the rest I seperate into catagories & mail to one of the addresses that the coupon mom website provides. Please follow this link & take just a little bit of time to do something that will mean a lot to the families who are relocated all over this globe.


  1. Maggie, do you just choose any one of the addresses at that link you gave (which wasn't clickable, by the way)?

    My neighbor brings me a bag full of coupon pages about twice a month. I've been picking out the few I need and tossing the rest.

  2. that's what I've done & I'll redo that so you can link to it.
